Evenly Spaced Teeth for a Great Smile

Modern dentistry to create an even and beautiful smile.

Few of us would deny that white, evenly spaced teeth are quite desirable and, whilst whiter teeth are relatively easily achievable with modern teeth whitening procedures, creating an even set of teeth presents a more challenging problem.

Part of the problem is that there is no one single individual treatment that works in all situations, and, accordingly, we have decided to take a look at the three main options available to our Burton on Trent dental patients who wish to have even teeth.

Dental Braces

Or, more strictly speaking, adult orthodontics; the new generation of braces that offer the prospect of straighter teeth more comfortably and discreetly than traditional “train track” versions. There are a number of adult orthodontics now available for this purpose, some more suitable than others for particular issues. As such, we recommend a consultation at Mike Allen’s Dental Practice to decide on the most appropriate orthodontic system for your own situation.

Dental Veneers

Better known for replacing the front surface of teeth that are badly discoloured or chipped and cracked, dental veneers can also be used to close gaps between the teeth in some cases. Very often the teeth concerned are the two front teeth but others may also be closed using this method. Whilst suitable for minor gaps only, it does offer a much faster option than orthodontics.

Implants and bridges

Closing gaps between the teeth is one thing, but when that gap has been caused by a lost tooth, then neither veneers or orthodontics will work. To make things worse, a missing tooth means that other teeth will soon encroach into the vacant space making the teeth even more uneven. This is one of the reasons why patients should always look to replace a missing tooth, rather than simply leaving a gap.

Whilst a dental bridge offers a relatively straightforward solution, it does involve work being performed on otherwise healthy teeth. They also don’t replace the root of the tooth which may then lead to bone loss in that area.

For this reason, many patients at Mike Allen’s Dental Practice will opt for a dental implant which offers a strong and efficient replacement for the missing tooth and also helps to prevent bone loss in the immediate area. Before any treatment is performed though, a professional assessment will need to be made by one of our experienced dental team.

If you have issues with crooked or missing teeth which you would like addressed, please call our Burton on Trent dental team to arrange an appointment on 01283 845345 and we’ll be very pleased to discuss possible treatments with you.