How Important Is Interdental Cleaning?
If you are one of the 80% who don’t do this, please read on! The vast majority of people in the UK recognise that basic oral health care, i.e. brushing your teeth, is essential if tooth decay is to be …
If you are one of the 80% who don’t do this, please read on! The vast majority of people in the UK recognise that basic oral health care, i.e. brushing your teeth, is essential if tooth decay is to be …
Maintenance tips from your Burton dentist. Because porcelain can’t suffer from decay like a natural tooth, it may be tempting for those who have had dental veneers fitted to pay less attention when cleaning them. However, this would be a …
Our Burton family dentist takes a look at how family life can impact our teeth. The way that we have been brought up can affect almost every area of our life. Even if we feel that we are entirely different …
Our Burton dentist, Mike Allen, looks at this sometimes underestimated oral health issue. If you ask anyone why they visit their dentist, most will probably tell you that it is to have their teeth checked to make sure that there …