Whiter Teeth For The Summer. Get Ready To Smile!
Look your best for your holidays and other summer occasions.
If we work on the presumption that it will eventually stop raining, many of us will soon be starting to turn our thoughts to the summer ahead. After the grey and cold of a British winter, there is nothing quite like a bit of sunshine to get us shopping for brighter clothes and looking for outdoor events to go to. Summer holidays will probably also be on our minds and thoughts will also turn to how we can look our best during the warmer summer months ahead.
As soon as the warmer and sunnier weather starts to appear, we often see a rise in the number of patients booking appointments at our Burton dental clinic for cosmetic dental treatments and none more so than for the fast acting teeth whitening that we offer our patients. As we tend to socialise more during the summer, it makes sense to get your smile looking great for when that time finally arrives.
Timing your treatment
The results of a teeth whitening procedure are not permanent and if you want a more permanent whiteness, we will be pleased to discuss dental veneers with you. The results do last a good while though but will vary from patient to patient, often depending on their lifestyle. For example, a smoker who also drinks red wine is likely to see the benefits fade away much quicker than someone who doesn’t.
If you have a specific event in mind, such as a wedding or a significant family gathering, we are happy to help you arrange an appointment that will give you the maximum benefit at the time of the event. We are always happy to discuss the best time to have this treatment with anyone wanting to have their teeth whitened at SG Dental and Implant Centre.
One of the reasons why dental practices are now the only place that you can have your teeth whitened legally in the UK is that very few of the ‘pop up’ whitening shops had any significant knowledge of dental issues. Aside from the risks of over bleaching of the teeth, these simply didn’t have the skills to diagnose problems like decay or worn enamel. This could mean that the treatment could be quite uncomfortable in some cases, but also that teeth that had been whitened, could suffer tooth decay soon after, rendering the treatment pointless and dangerous.
When you see our cosmetic dentists, you will be given a thorough examination and any problems such as decay or chipped teeth will be treated prior to your teeth being whitened. In some instances we may recommend alternative treatments, such as porcelain veneers if we feel that this would produce better results in your situation.
The treatment
While we do occasionally provide ‘in house’ whitening, most of our patients are provided with a custom home whitening treatment which we find works very well for most patients. Each patient will be assessed beforehand and we will discuss the level of whiteness that you hope to achieve and adjust the strength of the active ingredient accordingly. While most patients do prefer to have their teeth whitened as much as possible, others prefer more subtle changes that are less noticeable.
Before you are given the trays and following your prior examination at our Burton dental practice, impressions will be taken of your teeth. This is to enable a close and comfortable fit of the trays into which the whitening gel will be placed. As these are produced externally from the information we provide, there will be a one or two week wait before the trays arrive back here and we will book an appointment with you when they do.
At this next appointment, you will be shown how to fit the trays and given advice on how to apply the whitening gel and how long to use it for. You can also ask any questions that you might have about the treatment. Once this has been done, you are free to take the custom whitening kit home with you to whiten your teeth in the comfort of your own home. We are always here, of course, if you need any help or have any questions during the course of your treatment.
Once the full effects are seen, usually at around a couple of weeks, you will no longer need to continue the treatment. While some people simply let the whiteness fade until the teeth have returned to their previous state, others may prefer to ‘top up’ the whiteness to ensure a more even and continual white colour. We can help you plan the best way to do this if you wish to follow this method. Some people may also simply let the whiteness fade and not bother whitening again until the following summer or important event. It really is up to you and we are happy to offer help and advice, whatever your preference.
One thing is sure though and that is that a whiter and brighter smile will almost certainly make you feel more confident and happy with your appearance and enable you to get the best out of the summer ahead.
If you would like more advice or would like to book a cosmetic dentistry appointment to have your teeth whitened, please call SG Dental and Implant Centre today on 01283 845345. We look forward to seeing you!