The Benefits Of Clear Braces – A Burton Dentist Discusses

Modern discreet orthodontics offer a way to straighten teeth without the visibility of traditional braces.

The British have a certain reputation for crooked and uneven teeth, especially in the USA. Whilst this is largely exaggerated for comic effect, the fact is that many adults do have uneven teeth to some degree. This can happen for a number of reasons such as tooth loss, causing movement of the remaining teeth, but often, it is simply because they avoided having dental braces when they were younger.

Whilst many people are reluctant to wear traditional metal braces, these are not the only type available, and, at Mike Allen’s Dental Practice, we are able to offer our Burton patients a number of cosmetic dental braces which offer both comfort and discretion. One of the most popular of these are ‘clear braces’.

A different kind of brace

Clear braces are not like regular dental braces at all, except for the fact that they straighten the teeth. Instead of using wires and brackets to achieve this, they use a series of ‘trays’, made from a transparent medical grade plastic. These are worn directly over the teeth with each in the series moving the teeth just a little more than the previous one. Because there are no wires or brackets used, these clear braces are almost invisible to others; indeed, they are also sometimes known as ‘invisible braces’. Whilst this is one of the main reasons why many patients prefer this method, it is far from the only benefit that they offer.

Dental hygiene

Wearers of traditional braces sometimes have problems maintaining a healthy mouth. This is because food sometimes becomes trapped in the wires, and effective cleaning can be hard to achieve. Because of this, dental decay and gum disease is a real threat to the patient’s mouth.

Clear braces, on the other hand, do not have this problem and are designed to be removed when the patient eats (also avoiding potential social embarrassment), and also for when the teeth need cleaning. Because of this, patients are able to brush and floss their teeth effectively, avoiding the pitfalls of traditional braces. Naturally, the trays also need to be kept clean and we will advise you of how to do this at your consultation.

Whilst clear braces may need to be worn for a longer period of time than some other types, this is certainly more than compensated for by their comfort and convenience. If you are unhappy with your crooked or uneven teeth and would like to find out more about the clear braces on offer at our handy Burton surgery why not call us today to arrange a consultation with your local cosmetic dentists. Please get in touch on 01283 845345.