Restoring Gaps in The Teeth with Dental Implants

An alternative to dentures for our Burton patients.

A missing tooth or teeth, particularly those at the front of the mouth, can often be the cause of severe embarrassment, ultimately leading to a loss of self-confidence. In some cases, this can possibly cause you to totally avoid social situations altogether.

Dentures can look real, and will fill any gaps left by missing teeth. However, they may not be suitable for everyone. They can be awkward to wear and to keep clean and maintain. They can cause difficulty when eating certain types of food. Patients also often report that over a period of time, their dentures can become loose, and can move about whilst eating, again causing embarrassment. This is due to the natural bone loss that can occur after the removal or loss of a tooth.

Implants as an alternative

A dental implant is an alternative to a removable denture plate or false teeth. It consists of a titanium screw that is implanted into the bone of the jaw, in the place of a tooth, and can be used to support either a crown or a denture. For securing a crown we would use a single implant, whereas for a denture plate or bridge holding several teeth, we would need to use several implants, allowing us to achieve a secure fixing across the mouth.

The crowns that we use with the implant, are modelled in such a way that they appear to be a natural part of your dental work, helping us to maintain the cosmetic appearance of your mouth.

Following an initial consultation and examination, X-rays will be taken to allow us to check the feasibility of carrying out the procedure. The dentist will use the X-ray to check your bone density, ensuring that there is sufficient volume present for the procedure to be successful.

During the procedure, the implant will be secured into the bone of the jaw, and will then be left for sufficient time to allow the wound to heal, and for the bone to fully integrate and fuse with the implant, forming a secure and lasting attachment for the new crown. This integration period does vary, dependent on your age and your general health, but it can be as little as a few weeks.

To avoid any discomfort or pain during the procedure, the work will be carried out using a local anaesthetic. If you suffer from nervousness or anxiety regarding anaesthetics or dental procedures, then please be sure to mention this to your dentist. We offer a range of treatments designed to help our nervous patients who are undergoing treatment.

Dental implants aren’t necessarily suitable for everyone. However, if you are looking for a dentist in the Burton on Trent area, and you would like to discuss your suitability for an implant with one of our team of professional and caring dental practitioners, then please contact Mike Allen’s Dental Practice on 01283 845345 to discuss your needs.

A member of the team will be only too pleased to answer any questions or concerns that you may have.