Jaw Problems

Dentistry techniques to help correct this not uncommon problem.

Many people suffer from painful or aching jaws. Although there can be a number of causes of this, including injuries caused by a blow to the face, a surprising number occur over a period of time, exacerbated by misaligned teeth. Bruxism (tooth grinding) can also affect the jaw and can be a difficult habit to break as it often occurs during our sleep, usually heightened by the stresses of everyday life. However, help is at hand and if you do tend to grind your teeth, whether awake or asleep, please talk to our Burton on Trent dental team who may be able to offer advice to help prevent it.

Incorrect bite

Even if we take good care of our teeth, some of us may find that our teeth become misaligned over the years. This is more likely to occur if we have missing teeth that we don’t replace with dental implants or other alternatives as this allows other teeth to encroach into the vacant space. When this happens, we are often left with an incorrect bite which can put a significant amount of strain on our jaws, leaving us with increasing problems over a period of time.

Dental braces

Although we have been able to correct misaligned teeth through the use of dental braces for many years; many people simply refused to have this done, especially adults, due to the embarrassment and discomfort. Modern dental braces, or orthodontics to give them their correct name, such as those available at Mike Allen’s Dental Practice, now allow patients to have their teeth straightened in a discreet and more comfortable manner.

There are a number of modern orthodontic methods available, from transparent ‘tray’ like systems to the more orthodox wire and brackets approach. The latter though, are not the old metallic train track style but make use of much finer and tooth coloured modern materials to make them more user-friendly.

The length of time taken for the teeth to be straightened and the type of braces needed will vary depending on each individual situation and this will be assessed during your consultation at our Burton Upon Trent dental practice.

Better oral health

As well as improving jaw function and appearance; straight and even teeth also help patients with better oral hygiene. This is because food particles and bacteria have less places to hide and are more easily removed when brushing and flossing. If you have jaw problems that are causing you discomfort or inconvenience, a visit to Mike Allen’s Dental Practice may help to diagnose the cause and offer a solution to ease or eliminate the problem. Please call us to arrange a consultation on 01283 845345.