Do I really Need to See the Dentist?

Should a dental appointment be made for minor issues?

Even when regular six monthly checks ups are maintained at our Burton Upon Trent dental practice; there can be other times when a relatively minor issue crops up leaving you wondering whether or not you should pay a visit to the dentist.

We understand that people are busy, or perhaps even don’t want to ‘bother’ the dentist with very minor issues, but at Mike Allen’s Dental Practice, we are here to take care of your oral health and offer our thoughts below on a couple of minor dental issues that can arise.

Chipped tooth

Whilst most people will probably visit a dentist if they have broken a tooth, if a minor chip occurs, they are less likely to do so.

It can be a difficult call to make and only a fully trained dentist can really determine whether the chipped tooth needs any treatment or not.

Very minor chips may do little damage to the tooth although they can cause rough edges which can irritate the tongue or gums, leaving them sore. The overall strength of the tooth can be affected too.

In some cases though, even a minor chip may have damaged the enamel to such an extent that the softer inner part of the tooth becomes exposed. When this occurs, dental decay is an increased possibility, and, with this in mind, we would suggest that you arrange to see one of our Burton on Trent dentists who will then be able to determine the best method to restore the tooth.

Sore gums

Sore gums are not uncommon, and, in some cases may be simply due to accidental damage when eating. Generally, our bodies will repair any minor scratches etc in a short period of time.

Sore gums though can also be a symptom of gum disease, something which most of us will suffer from to some degree at some point in our life.

Whilst gum disease can correct itself through diligent brushing and flossing, it should not be left to evolve as it can, in advanced stages, result in both severe halitosis and even lost teeth.

If you notice blood in your saliva when you brush your teeth, and especially if this happens more than once, we strongly recommend that you call Mike Allen’s Dental Practice so that we can check the symptoms and recommend any necessary treatment to help you keep your teeth and gums in good condition.


If you have a toothache, this should not be ignored as it almost certainly means that you have a problem that needs treating.

With a toothache, you should waste no time and call us immediately on 01283 845345 and we will do our best to see you the same day, whenever possible.