Caring For Your Dental Implants

Aftercare advice from your local Burton dentist

Dental implants have an extremely high success rate, providing that they are placed by a qualified dentist, and that high quality implants are used. At Mike Allen’s Dental Practice, you can be sure that our dentists are appropriately trained and experienced, and we only use top quality Straumann dental implants to help to ensure a successful procedure for our patients.

Whilst implant failure is rare following placement, there are some potential threats in the  immediate period after the implants have been placed. Once the treatment is complete, much of the responsibility for a successful osseointegration period (where the dental implant and the bone fuse together) lies with the patient and personal care. This can be helped by carefully following the advice we will give you.

Protecting the implant

Following the initial placement, the implant is at its most vulnerable and correct aftercare by the patient plays an important part in ensuring it remains in good health. You will be given full aftercare instructions following your implant procedure at our Burton surgery, but the following are some of the key points that we will discuss in more detail with you:

  1. Initially, following your implant procedure, great care should be taken to avoid damaging the site of the surgery. Liquid foods are required initially followed by softer foods such as mashed potatoes, which can then be gradually introduced into your diet. Doing this will avoid putting any pressure on the implant and help to prevent potential problems. If you are unsure whether you are ready or not for harder foods, it is advisable to be on the safe side and stick to softer foods.
  2. Keep the implant clean. Whilst you won’t be able to brush the implant at first, you will need to keep it clean to avoid the risk of gum disease. You will be given full instruction on how to keep the implant clean.
  3. There should be no smoking at all during the osseointegration period and alcohol consumption should also be limited. Both of these increase the risk of infections including gum disease and will slow down the healing process.
  4. You will be requested to visit the practice more frequently during this period so that we can monitor the healing process. Please make sure that you attend these appointments.

Providing that our professional advice is adhered to, there is no reason to believe that the implant placement will not be successful, and, once the osseointegration is complete and we feel that your implant is strong and healthy, we will attach the dental crown, the final part of the process of giving you a strong and stable replacement tooth.

For advice about dental implants, or, if you have recently had one placed and have any concerns, please call Mike Allen’s Dental Practice on 01283 845345.