Whiter Smiles With Dental Veneers In Burton

A smile-makeover treatment designed to last.

Generally speaking, most patients who wish to have whiter teeth, are recommended to have a teeth whitening procedure here at our Burton dental practice. This personalised whitening treatment is an excellent method for producing whiter teeth and smiles that most patients will be proud of.

The only minor drawback to a whitening procedure is that the results will gradually fade. This discolouration can be accelerated through the consumption of staining foods and drinks, but, even where such foods are avoided, it is the inner part of the tooth that darkens and nothing can be done to avoid this. The whitening procedure can be repeated, with no harmful effect to the teeth,  so any recurring discolouration can be treated again.

Dental veneers

There is a longer term option available for patients of Mike Allen’s Dental Practice in Burton, in the form of porcelain dental veneers. These are usually used for patients who want whiter teeth but their teeth are too heavily stained or badly chipped for a whitening procedure to be practical. This is an invasive dental procedure and generally, we recommend that patients who are able to have a teeth whitening procedure, do so first to see how they can look with a whiter smile before even considering the longer term option of veneers.

For those for whom a whitening procedure is not practical, veneers may well be a suitable option for anyone wishing to have nicer looking teeth.


To fit dental veneers to a patient’s teeth, it is first necessary to remove an equivalent thickness of enamel from the front surface. This is done using a dental burr which shaves a fine layer from the front of the tooth. This procedure will be performed using a local anaesthetic to eliminate potential discomfort. Impressions are then taken of the treated teeth and sent to a dental laboratory where the veneers will be made. You will be fitted with temporary veneers during this period, and these  will be replaced when your new veneers arrive back at our Burton practice. They  are fitted using a very strong dental adhesive and, finally, trimmed and polished to give a natural appearance.

Whiter teeth

Whilst you would expect, initially, for veneers to give you a great white smile; unlike a whitening procedure, this will not fade after a number of months. As porcelain is non porous, it does not stain easily, and providing that you do not consume too many staining foods and continue to brush your teeth well, there is every  chance that your veneers will keep on enhancing your smile for many years to come.

If you would like to discuss your teeth whitening options with us, please call Mike Allen’s Dental Practice during surgery hours on 01283 845345.