Restoring Teeth With Dental Veneers

The varied uses of this popular cosmetic dental procedure at our Burton practice.

Whilst some cosmetic dentistry treatments, such as teeth whitening, serve one purpose only, i.e. to provide you with whiter teeth; some other cosmetic procedures offer a wider range of benefits and can be used flexibly to help restore both the structure and appearance of your teeth. One such treatment is the use of dental veneers.

Dental veneers are fine layers of tooth shaped porcelain which are attached to the front of damaged or discoloured teeth once an equivalent thickness has been removed from the front surface enamel. Dental veneers can perform a number of functions.

Whiter teeth

Perhaps the most common use of porcelain veneers is in the restoration of the appearance of a patient’s teeth. This is a particularly useful procedure for ex smokers who have badly stained teeth from the tar in cigarettes or other tobacco products. Whilst some improvements can be made using a teeth whitening procedure, dental veneers are more likely to be beneficial in situations such as this. At Mike Allen’s Dental Practice, we have restored the colour of a number of heavy smoker’s teeth, greatly improving their smile.

Cracks, chips and enamel wear

Even non smokers can benefit from dental veneers. The wear and tear of ageing can leave our teeth with cracks and chips in them which can distract from an otherwise pleasing smile. One of the best way to restore the appearance of teeth like these is to fit dental veneers. This, in effect, replaces the damaged surface of the teeth.

Worn enamel, possibly caused by excessive brushing or a high acid diet, can cause teeth to become sensitive. Veneers also offer a possible solution for this problem.

Minor orthodontic problems

Whilst most problems with crooked or uneven teeth will require the use of modern dental braces to correct them; some minor improvements can actually be made using veneers. Where this is possible, this method provides a much faster solution and can improve your smile in a very short period of time. One issue which veneers are often used for, is to close the gap between the front teeth, otherwise known as a diastema.

The procedure

Fitting dental veneers is a relatively straightforward, albeit detailed and requiring skill and experience. Our Burton dentist will remove a fine layer from the front of the teeth and impressions will be taken. These impressions enable the dental laboratory to produce your new veneers which are then fitted to your teeth on their return. With good care, your new dental veneers should last for approximately ten years, although this will depend on you taking good care of them. We will advise you of how best to do this during your consultation.

For more information about dental veneers or any other of our latest cosmetic dental procedures, please ring Mike Allen’s Dental Practice on 01283 845345.