Don’t Put Up With Bad Breath – Get Treatment In Burton

Halitosis can make life difficult for those around you, but it is often straightforward to prevent

Most of us will have smelly breath from time to time, especially if we are fond of consuming certain foods and drinks; garlic being one of the best known offenders. While your friends and family won’t thank you for the odours they produce, bad breath formed in this way is temporary and will go away as soon as you stop eating and drinking these products.

Halitosis is another problem altogether, and is much more permanent if not treated. It is usually a far more unpleasant smell than food related ones and while people may put up with ‘garlicky’ breath, they may find themselves instinctively taking a step or two backwards when you are talking to them if you have halitosis.

There are a number of possible medical reasons for this type of bad breath, including kidney or bowel problems. In most cases though, it is caused by poor oral health, and more specifically, gum disease. Your first step should be to see our Burton dental hygienist for an oral health check and a thorough cleaning. If your bad breath persists after treatment, then you should see your GP for further investigation. In most cases though, improved oral care will help to resolve the problem.

What causes halitosis?

Our mouths are full of bacteria, somewhere in the region of six billion of them! Most of these perform a positive function such as helping to break down our food so that we can digest it more easily. Others are more harmful but not a problem as long as we brush and floss our teeth well and have our mouths professionally checked regularly.

When we don’t brush our teeth well, skip flossing or don’t see the hygienist often enough, this bacteria can increase in numbers, not only leading to gum disease but also creating a crust on our teeth known as tartar or calculus. This forms a rough surface which then attracts even more bacteria. No amount of home brushing will remove this crust and we will discuss its removal in a little while.

The foul odours created by these bacteria arise from the fact that as they consume the sugars and food particles in our mouths, they also expel gases which are foul smelling. To put it somewhat crudely, these are ‘bacterial flatulence’; not a very nice thought and certainly very unpleasant for those standing too close to us.

How to avoid bad breath

Avoiding bad breath starts with a good daily oral health regime. Brushing your teeth twice a day using a brush with healthy and not worn out bristles is an excellent start. Some toothpastes also are specifically designed to help fight gum disease so these are worth investigating. You should also floss between your teeth if you don’t already do so. Finally, make sure to see a dentist and the hygienist at Mike Allen’s Dental Practice twice a year. We will take a look at why you should see the hygienist now.

Scale and polish

The dental hygienist’s role in good oral care can not be overstated. They will discuss your oral health with you, asking about your daily habits, any health issues etc. From this, they will be able to help you look at ways that you can improve how you look after your teeth and gums. From showing you how to use dental floss to recommending products that they feel will help your specific situation, they can really help to give you the tools for a healthier mouth.

The other part of your appointment with them will consist of a procedure known as a ‘scale and polish’. This is a non-invasive procedure that doesn’t usually require an anaesthetic. Initially, they will scrape away most of the hardened crust that has formed on your teeth and will then use a sonic tool which shatters most of what remains. Finally, they will clean your teeth using a special brush and paste, leaving your mouth not only much healthier, but feeling cleaner and fresher too.

This treatment should be carried out at six monthly intervals in most cases, but certain health conditions may mean that you need this carried out more frequently. We will be able to advise you of this.

In addition to freeing you of the stigma of having ‘stinky breath’ it is also worth remembering that gum disease can cause major issues with your teeth including wobbly teeth and even tooth loss. By making sure that you see the hygienist regularly, you will go a long way to avoiding this and have fresh smelling breath into the bargain.

Whether you currently have bad breath or not, we strongly recommend that our Burton patients ensure that they have an appointment booked with both the dentist and hygienist at Mike Allen’s Dental Practice. If you haven’t booked yours yet, please call us on 01283 845345.