Halitosis – Prevention And Resolution In Burton
How to avoid losing friends and those around you due to persistent bad breath.
One of the strange things about having bad breath is that most of us don’t have a clue that we have it. Unlike if our clothes are a bit smelly, it is almost impossible to detect what our breath smells like due to much of the odour dispersing into the air before it enters our nostrils. One way to test for bad breath that works for some is to lick the back of your hand and smell it. This isn’t a foolproof method however, but there is one thing you might notice that may well indicate that there is a problem.
If you find, during conversations with friends and others in your social circle, that people either make excuses to leave or even start to step back a little, there is a good chance that they have detected your bad breath. While some of this might be relatively mild, if still unpleasant, a more severe case of halitosis can be overwhelming if someone is standing too close to you. If this has happened to you, you shouldn’t ignore it and should try to do something about it with the help of advice from our Burton dentists.
What is halitosis?
While this is often thought of as simply having bad breath; strictly speaking it is about having persistent bad breath. Any bad breath is unpleasant of course, but if it is caused by eating garlic, for example, that is just temporary and you can soon correct that by changing your diet to avoid it.
What is more serious is if your halitosis is caused by poor oral health and specifically, gum disease. In many instances, this may be exactly what is causing it. There is good news though that this can often be corrected with help from the hygienist at SG Dental and Implant Centre.
Seeing the hygienist
While there are certainly things that you can do yourself to help resolve the problem, the best place to start is by making an appointment to see the dental hygienist. This will enable you to get to a point where you can simply maintain a fresher smelling breath by the care that you take of your oral cavity. In the meantime, let us discuss what will happen when you see the hygienist.
Part of their remit is to discuss your general and oral health with you, along with any lifestyle habits that you have which may be contributing to gum disease and may offer advice on improving it. Smoking, for example, greatly increases your risk of halitosis and you may be pointed in the right direction to get help to quit this expensive and dangerous habit.
In addition to quitting smoking, you may be advised to cut down on your alcohol consumption if this is too high. In addition to other health risks associated with excess drinking, oral health issues such as halitosis and mouth cancers are also more likely.
You will be given advice on how to brush and floss correctly. This is important as too few of us do this as well as we should. Using a worn out toothbrush, for example, is an ineffective way of keeping your teeth clean. The method you use can always be improved and of course, the addition to your daily oral health regime of flossing between your teeth is essential if you want to avoid issues like gingivitis and periodontitis.
Finally, you will receive a scale and polish of your teeth and gums. This is a non-invasive procedure that removes hardened bacteria and minerals from your teeth and gum line. This is a highly effective way of maintaining healthy gums and avoiding bad breath.
Who is vulnerable to gum disease?
The bottom line is that we are all vulnerable to gum disease if we don’t take care of our teeth and gums with good quality brushing and flossing. There are some people who may be more vulnerable though and these include smokers, diabetics and anyone with a weakened immune system. As both gingivitis and periodontitis are caused by bacteria attacking the soft gum tissue, those that are more vulnerable are likely to notice common symptoms such as bleeding or sore gums and, of course, halitosis, sooner than the rest of us. If you are in a higher risk group, you may be advised to see the hygienist more regularly, perhaps every three months, to ensure that you maintain a healthy mouth, along with better smelling breath.
If you are thinking that your friends don’t move away from you and therefore you don’t have gum disease, you should think again. While this may be true, the reality is that gum disease can be ‘silent’ in that it doesn’t always display any significant symptoms, especially in the earlier stages when it is more treatable. Everyone should have their gum health checked as, if neglected, it can also lead to tooth loss. It is a relatively cheap thing to do as well and certainly for the benefits that are gained by seeing the hygienist.
If you have noticed potential symptoms, such as smelly breath, or have not currently got an appointment with a hygienist, now is the time to act. You can call SG Dental and Implant Centre today on 01283 845345 to book your now and start your journey towards a healthier mouth and fresher breath. We look forward to seeing you.