Teenage Oral Health Care

Changing habits can affect the health of teeth and gums.

When we have children, we obviously want them to grow up as healthily as possible. For general health, this means ensuring that they are up to date with important vaccinations and generally keeping an eye open for any potential health issues.

For oral health, it means ensuring that they know how to clean their teeth correctly, including supervision for the first few years, and that they generally understand the importance of cleaning the teeth and gums.

The teenager

This is all well and good, whilst the child is very young, but what happens as they become older, reaching their teens and becoming more independent?

Naturally, at this age, we can’t supervise their brushing, and, whilst we might shout at them to do it, we take it on trust that they do clean their teeth.

Add to this a possible increasing consumption of fizzy drinks, and potentially experimenting with smoking,  and the child’s oral health is a potential disaster waiting to happen.

At Mike Allen’s Dental Practice in Burton on Trent, we know that the teenage years are very important and that many permanent teeth can become damaged during this period through neglect, often necessitating a restoration such as a dental crown prematurely.


Whilst it can be difficult and challenging dealing with a willful teenager; if you can make sure that they have a good oral health care regimen, they will thank you for it in later life when they are hopefully problem free whilst they friends undergo restorative dentistry.

Whilst shouting at them to clean their teeth may (or may not) work, another important factor is to make sure that they do visit the dentist.

Of course, for the teenager, hanging about with their friends is likely to be more appealing but the firm guidance of a parent, or guardian, is invaluable in ensuring that they keep these appointments.

Not only will they receive professional dental guidance from our Burton on Trent dentists  which will help them to understand how important having healthy teeth and gums is, but will also have the opportunity to have the teeth scaled and polished where plaque may have built up.

By removing the hardened plaque, the chances of gum disease occurring are minimised. Not only will this help to prevent sore or even bleeding gums, but will help to keep the bone structure that holds the teeth in place, strong and healthy. However awkward or stubborn a teenager can be, there is nearly always a way to strike a deal with them that means that they receive quality oral health care throughout their teenage years which will serve them well into adulthood.

To book an appointment for your teenager to see our friendly dental team in Burton, please call us on 01283 845345.