Dealing With Sensitive Teeth

Our Burton family dentist looks at this relatively common problem.

Very few of us will be fortunate enough to go through life without experiencing an increased level of sensitivity in our teeth. Whilst this can be a temporary sensation, for some, it is continual and can even border on being painful. Either way, there is little doubt that we would rather not have it.

What causes tooth sensitivity?

There are a number of factors that can contribute to sensitive teeth. We always recommend that, if you are experiencing this, a visit to Mike Allen’s Dental Practice in Burton on Trent is advisable so that we can examine your teeth and treat them where appropriate. The following are some of the more common causes of sensitive teeth:

Worn teeth – Bruxism sufferers (or teeth grinders) are a group of people likely to experience this. Although healthy enamel is strong, continual grinding will wear this down, eventually exposing the softer dentin layer underneath. As this is porous, heat of both extremes will be felt more acutely by the nerves in the tooth.

Receding gums – As above, when gums recede, the part hidden below them, and usually protected by them, consists of the dentin layer. As this is exposed by receding gums, the teeth become vulnerable to extremes of temperature.

Cracked teeth – If a tooth becomes cracked, the enamel will again expose the inner layer and can lead to sensitive teeth. It may also lead to tooth decay and actual pain if not treated promptly. Our Burton dental team are here to help you and we strongly advise that, when you need dental treatment, you do not put it off but seek help straight away. Prompt action on your part may even mean saving a tooth that might otherwise have to be extracted.

Excessive brushing – It may come as a surprise, but you can actually brush too often and too hard. Doing so over a period of time will wear down the enamel and can cause your teeth to become more sensitive. If you are unsure about how to clean your teeth to the best effect, an appointment with one of our dental hygienists is advised.

Teeth whitening – Some patients who have had teeth whitening may experience a slightly heightened level of sensitivity following the treatment. This should be temporary though and the teeth return to normal in a few days once the treatment has been completed. If you are experiencing discomfort after a few days, please contact us straight away.

By and large though, healthy teeth should not be sensitive. With good care and regular professional dental checks at Mike Allen’s Dental Practice there is no reason for you to experience this uncomfortable sensation. Call your local Burton dentist today on 01283 845345.