Looking After Your Teeth Whilst Wearing Dental Braces

Lowering the risk of dental problems whilst having orthodontic treatment.

In general, people opt for orthodontic treatment in order to have nicer and more even looking teeth. Another benefit from the result of having straighter teeth is that they are easier to keep clean and therefore more likely to be healthier in the long term.

Because dental braces often have to be worn for a year or more, in order to achieve their aim, this can be a period where the risk of dental problems increase if care is not taken to keep the teeth and gums clean.

Traditional braces

The majority of dental braces use a method which involves using wires and brackets to re-position the teeth gently over a period of time. This is a trusted method but can be quite visible, especially when metal braces are worn. Some modern orthodontic systems have replaced these materials with much finer tooth-coloured versions, which does make them more discreet for patients to wear. With either type of material though, there is a risk of food and bacteria becoming trapped in them, causing problems.

Food debris and bacteria that become trapped in the wires and brackets will increase the likelihood of decay and gum disease. Succumbing to these clearly negates the benefit of having straighter teeth, so extra special care should be taken to look after your teeth when wearing braces.

Patients fitted with orthodontics at Mike Allen’s Burton dental practice will be given full instructions on how to clean their teeth effectively whilst wearing braces. Regular ongoing checks at our Burton practice will also offer an opportunity to spot any problems before they become serious.

Clear aligners

An alternative to traditional style dental braces is a new type of orthodontic system which uses clear aligners, custom made for each patient, that fit directly over the teeth. Not only do these avoid using wires or brackets, in itself an improvement, but are also designed to be easily removed by the patient. This is extremely convenient when eating meals or whilst cleaning your teeth. Providing that the aligners are also cleaned well, there is no reason for any increase in the risk of either tooth decay or gum disease when wearing orthodontics of this type.

Whichever system is used to straighten a patient’s teeth, we also strongly recommend regular visits to our Burton hygienist. She will professionally clean your teeth, helping them to stay healthy for the duration of the treatment, and afterwards.

If your teeth are uneven or crooked and you would like to discuss ways to straighten them for a more attractive smile, please contact us at our Burton dental practice on 01283 845345 to arrange a consultation.