Cleaning Between The Teeth

Interdental care can help reduce the chances of oral health problems.

As a child, if left to our own devices, it is probably true to say that most of us would only brush the surface of our teeth, the part that we can see. Of course, at that age, it is understandable that this seems to be perfectly logical. As we get older though, we would be expected to have a better understanding of why we should clean ALL of our teeth.

Despite this, less than a quarter of us use dental floss or any other interdental tool to reach in the area between the teeth. If everyone did this, we would very likely see a decrease in cases of decay and gum disease at dental surgeries across the UK, including here at Mike Allen’s Dental Practice.

Trapped food and bacteria

Whilst some food and bacteria does become stuck on the surface of our teeth and especially just underneath the gum line, much of this is removed when we brush our teeth if we do so correctly. The most likely place for both food and bacteria to become trapped though, is in the spaces between our teeth. Crooked teeth that overlap are especially vulnerable to this.

Tooth decay

As trapped food begins to rot and break down, acids and bacteria accumulate in these spaces and will start to eat away at the surface enamel of the tooth. Although we may not visibly see anything due to the location, the chances are that, unless you do clean between your teeth well, the enamel of your teeth is being compromised right now. Eventually, as bacteria enter the softer dentin part of the tooth, decay, and possibly toothache, are likely to follow.

Gum disease

Another likely problem to arise if interdental cleaning is neglected, is gum disease. Although this may not come with the associated painful toothache of tooth decay, it can have equally devastating effects. Whilst early stage gum disease, known as gingivitis, can cause some soreness and bleeding, a bigger problem arises when it develops into periodontitis. At this stage, not only the gums, but the bone also, start to deteriorate. If left untreated, the bone will no longer be able to secure the tooth into position and may cause it to fall out.

Be diligent

In the same way that most people conscientiously clean their teeth, we would like to encourage all of our Burton patients to use floss, or another appropriate interdental cleaning tool. This should only take up a few minutes of your day and we would advise that you do this at night before you go to bed to avoid food being stuck between your teeth whilst you sleep.

If you need help in learning how to use dental floss correctly, appointments can be made with the hygienist at Mike Allen’s Dental Practice. Many people find this process tricky at first, but, with a bit of help, it will become as natural as cleaning your teeth.

For more gum health advice and care, please discuss this with our dental hygiene team; you can call our Burton dental practice on 01283 845 345.