Do You Have Large Gaps In Your Teeth? – Here’s How We Can Help

A “gappy” smile can be problematic – here are some treatments in Burton to fix the issues

If you take a look at photos of people who are deemed to have a perfect smile, the most noticeable thing is that their teeth are most often an attractive shade of white. Look closer at the photo though and you will notice that they are all neatly positioned and, not only are they not crooked at all, but there are also no noticeable spaces between each tooth. This is an ideal scenario of course and few of us will manage to have teeth like that without some cosmetic dental intervention.

There are two aspects to having gaps between the teeth that can cause problems for you. The most common issue brought to us by our Burton dental patients is that of aesthetics. Gappy teeth can spoil what would otherwise be an attractive smile and for most people, this is the key issue. Having gaps between the teeth can lead to other dental problems too. Food can become trapped more easily and spaces between the teeth also allows teeth to ‘drift’ a little and this can result in a crooked, uneven smile over a period of time.

So, how can Mike Allen’s Dental Practice help you? We have a range of treatments that can help you close those gaps between your teeth and the method used will be determined following a thorough examination at an initial consultation.


A straightforward way to ‘reshape’ teeth so that the gap is closed between them is to use a special composite material. This is moulded to the edges of the teeth, reducing the gap between them. This can only be used successfully where the gap is quite small though and it is also perhaps best used as a shorter term solution. Composite can wear and stain over time, becoming more noticeable to those around you, although it can be replaced as needed.

Porcelain veneers

A longer term solution where gaps need to be closed is to use dental veneers. These are shaped and attached to the teeth and can be used to close the gaps in a similar manner to composite. Porcelain veneers are much more durable though and will not stain. Anyone having this procedure might expect them to last for approximately 10 – 15 years or more providing that they are looked after correctly. This solution is often used where there is a gap between the top two front teeth, otherwise known as a ‘diastema’

Orthodontic treatment

Fitting veneers often requires some minor dental surgery to remove an equivalent thickness of enamel from the front of the tooth so that the veneers can be fitted in a natural looking manner. This can deter some people from taking this approach. Another option that can be used is orthodontic treatment, or ‘braces’ as they are perhaps better known in the UK.

There are several types of orthodontics that we use at your handy Burton dental practice and understandably we will need to examine your teeth and the nature of the gaps between them to determine which system to use. Some of these will need to be worn for a long time, especially where the problem is significant. For more minor corrections though, there are cosmetic teeth braces that can close gaps in a relatively short period of time. We will be able to offer advice on which orthodontic to use and the expected time it will take to complete its task once we have carried out the examination of your teeth.

Dental implants

Not all gaps between the teeth are minor. Where tooth loss has occurred, a large gap will be left. This is likely to be noticeable to others, especially if a visible ‘smile’ tooth has been lost. Whilst resolving this aesthetic problem might be most people’s main concern, it is worth remembering that gaps of this size especially leave large spaces for other teeth to move into. Closing these spaces with implants not only resolves the problem of tooth drift but also reduces bone loss in this area which could lead to facial shape changes if left for a period of time.

Implants do require invasive treatment but the end result will provide you with a strong and secure replacement tooth that can last for twenty years or more, with good oral care.

Whether you wish to close the gaps between your teeth for cosmetic or other reasons, we are here to help you. Your first step should be to arrange an appointment with the dentist at Mike Allen’s Dental Practice so that we can examine your teeth and take the appropriate corrective action.

To make your appointment, please call our friendly reception team on 01283 845345.