The Perils Of DIY Dentistry!

Your teeth are important, use a dental professional.

Taking responsibility for looking after our own teeth and gums is important. Daily cleaning and flossing are essential if you want to avoid common problems like decay and gum disease. When it comes to having treatment though, the expertise required should not be underestimated, and even the most straightforward procedures should be carried out by one of our Burton dentists.

Unfortunately, it does seem that some people are taking matters into their own hands and are attempting to treat themselves, sometimes even for more advanced treatments like teeth straightening! Of course this is a very bad idea and below we look at some of the most common examples of DIY dentistry that can go horribly wrong.

Teeth whitening

Anybody who has searched the internet for ways to whiten their teeth at home, will have found millions of results. Many of these are duplicated, leaving perhaps a few dozen ideas. These include some very strange ones such as using strawberries to whiten your teeth, to the downright dangerous ones involving household bleach. The latter especially should be avoided and could cause very serious injuries or even worse. Most DIY teeth whitening treatments though fall into the categories of ‘do not work’ or ‘may potentially cause serious damage’. Many use natural ingredients that may appear safe; lemon juice being a classic example. Unfortunately, even seemingly innocent ingredients like this can strip the enamel from your teeth, causing irreparable damage.

Replacing detached restorations

Although generally very strong and secure, there are occasions which may result in either dental veneers or a crown becoming detached. Although it might seem perfectly safe to use a strong household adhesive to reattach them, these often include corrosive ingredients that can cause serious harm to your teeth. In the unusual event that this happens to you, please contact Mike Allen’s Dental Practice so that we can reattach it for you safely and correctly. Please don’t attempt it yourself!

Elastic band teeth straightening

Fortunately, not something that we see very much of, but there are plenty of ‘instructional’ videos out there showing you how to do this. This is, quite frankly, a dangerous idea that may result not only in even more crookedness of your teeth, but damage caused by excess force which may result in loose or lost teeth. Teeth straightening is a complicated procedure that should be left to the professionals. Our cosmetic dentists are always happy to discuss the various option we have at our Burton practice, should you wish to correct your teeth aligment.

If you are unhappy with any aspect of your teeth, whether it is the colour or unevenness, an initial consultation with one of our dental team will be able to put you on the right track to a great looking smile, without the inherent dangers of DIY dental care! Please call our Burton surgery today for more information on 01283 845345.