Occlusal Problems – Issues That Can Arise And How To Resolve Them

An incorrect ‘bite’ can be problematic and cause ongoing issues if not treated

In an ideal world, our teeth would meet each other exactly as they should. For a wide number of reasons however, this is often not the case and our teeth may be misaligned either through crookedness or through an overbite or underbite. While this often causes concern in some of our patients because of the way that it makes their teeth look, it can also create other issues which can have a physical impact on our teeth and on our oral health in general.

In today’s SG Dental and Implant Centre blog, we will take a look at some of the issues that can be caused by this problem and also look at ways that these issues can be resolved using treatments that are now available at our Burton dental clinic.

Ineffective chewing

Depending on the type of occlusal problem that you have, it can make it more difficult to chew your food properly, thereby failing to break it down and leaving more of the digestion process to the stomach. In some extreme cases, this can lead to significant digestive issues.

TMJ problems

If you have an incorrect bite, this can lead to excess pressure being put on the temporomandibular joint (the ‘hinge’ of the jaw). This can lead to discomfort including jaw pain and in some cases a ‘clicking’ of the jaw when you eat. Headaches too are not uncommon either with this problem. These can sometimes be quite painful in some people and dental intervention may be necessary to resolve the problem.

Premature wearing

If your teeth don’t meet correctly, there is a strong possibility that you will be biting with parts of your teeth that are not meant for that purpose. This may lead to premature wearing of the tooth enamel and can weaken it, leading to sensitive teeth and even to a tooth breaking and requiring urgent restorative treatment.

Tooth decay and gum disease

If your teeth are not aligned correctly, it makes it much easier for food particles and bacteria to become trapped in the tiny spaces that are nearly impossible for either a toothbrush or even dental floss to reach. If these food particles or bacteria remain, tooth decay and gum disease are likely outcomes. Straightening your teeth is the best solution for this though a good oral health regime is also necessary. You may find that swilling water around the mouth after eating will help too.

Speech issues

Speech problems are not uncommon where teeth are not aligned correctly. One fairly common problem is a ‘lisp’. This occurs when the teeth are not aligned correctly in a way that prevents the tongue from reaching the roof of the mouth as it should. Certain words might generally be difficult to pronounce too depending on the type of occlusal issue that you have.

Sleep apnea

It is thought that misaligned teeth may be one of the issues in people who suffer from sleep apnea. Although for many people, this might seem to be nothing more than an inconvenience caused by snoring, it can, in some instances, lead to serious issues such as heart problems and medical advice should be sought if you suffer from this.

Confidence issues

Finally, the most obvious issue for many people. Misaligned teeth can spoil a smile and, especially in more severe cases, can cause the person to suffer from a loss of self esteem. Correcting occlusal issues can not only improve your smile but you may start to feel happier and more confident about yourself as well.

Treating occlusal problems

Although there are a number of ways that a dentist may attempt to resolve this problem, including recontouring the bite surface of the teeth or providing crowns in some instances; in most cases, it is most effectively resolved using one of the range of orthodontic systems that we have available at our Burton dental clinic. To determine which method of teeth straightening would work best for your own situation, you will need to arrange a consultation with a member of our team who will discuss the various options that are available.

If you are suffering from any of the above issues or are perhaps generally unhappy about the way that your teeth look, you don’t have to put up with it and we recommend that you contact SG Dental and Implant Clinic for an appointment by calling us today on 01283 845345. Our friendly and helpful team are here to help you not only have a healthy set of teeth and gums, but a great looking smile as well. We look forward to seeing you.